03/27/2009: Lemon Law: No, A Lemon Isn't Your Fault
What to do when dealers try and blame you for the condition of your defective vehicle.
03/20/2009: Why Dealers Brush Off Defective Vehicles—Why Lemon Law is Needed
Why consumers have such trouble with dealers in taking care of defective vehicles.
03/16/2009: Until Auto Makers are Honest, Lemon Law will be Crucial
The vital need for lemon laws is spurred on by faulty auto manufacturing practices.
03/10/2009: Lemon Law: For Used Cars, Too?
There are many instances in which the lemon law applies to used cars.
02/27/2009: If You're Driving a Lemon, Get Your Own
A qualified lemon law attorney office, like a pit crew for a race car, will get you back on the road and trouble-free.
02/25/2009: Lemon Law: Knowing When to Litigate
If you're driving a lemon, the time to pursue litigation is sooner rather than later.
02/17/2009: Your Lemon Law Rights, Warranty or No Warranty
Despite limitations imposed by a warranty, you still have solid rights under the lemon law.
02/06/2009: Lemon Law: Don't Give Up, Get an Attorney
A dealer or manufacturer can run you in circles over a lemon. Don't take it get a qualified lemon law attorney.
01/30/2009: Are You Driving a Lemon? Get Lemon Law Help Immediately
If you think you have a lemon, the time to act is now.
01/26/2009: Overcoming Dealer 'Wall of Problems' in Pursuing a Lemon Law Case
Customers who bought "lemons" should retain an attorney to combat the unbelievable tactics from dealers and manufacturers when trying to get vehicle replacement or compensation.
01/21/2009: Is it Lemon Law or is it Fraud?
If you are a car buyer or owner, be alert that the majority of all auto fraud occurs at the dealership. The following is just a partial list of dirty tricks used by dealerships to separate you from your hard-earned money. Your Certified Pre-Owned vehicle was in an accident and you weren't told. You discover that your Certified Pre-Owned vehicle was a rental or fleet vehicle. You find out the chassis of your motor home was built in 2001 and the coach was sold as new in 2007. [This is also called Re-Badging]
01/15/2009: The Crucial Need for Lemon Law Enforcement
Recent cases show lemon law is still vitally important.
01/06/2009: GM Bailout: Look at Lemon Law Cases
Lemon law cases show GM bailout to be huge waste of taxpayer money.
12/22/2008: Why Me! What Did I Do To Deserve This!
As a buzzword, six-sigma is a method of improving quality in production and in other processes. The easiest way to get a grip on it is imagine you have just manufactured a million bricks. If the quality of processes and quality of materials were held to the six-sigma standard, 3.4 bricks out of the million would be certain to be defective and the rest would be good. That’s not too shabby. In fact it is one of the holy grails of modern manufacturing. There are several very large American manufacturers who espouse this methodology and claim to have been very successful with it. Motorola and GE are two such. It should be noted that not one American automobile manufacturer has taken to these techniques to improve their manufacturing quality.
12/17/2008: Intellectual Capital
According to SearchCRM.Com this is the definition of Intellectual Capital: Intellectual capital is knowledge that can be exploited for some moneymaking or other useful purpose. The term combines the idea of the intellect or brainpower with the economic concept of capital, the saving of entitled benefits so that they can be invested in producing more goods and services. Intellectual capital can include the skills and knowledge that a company has developed about how to make its goods or services; individual employees or groups of employees whose knowledge is deemed critical to a company's continued success; and its aggregation of documents about processes, customers, research results, and other information that might have value for a competitor that is not common knowledge. There are ten thousand consultants out there insisting everything is complex. There’s no money in simple. Here’s an absolute fact. As long as this capital is only in the employee’s head, not written down, video taped, made available for distribution, the company that thinks it possesses that capital, is at risk. By Norman Taylor & Associates
12/11/2008: Certified? Yes. Satisfied? Not Always.
Getting halves of two cars was not what Paulette Day expected when she bought a red 2004 Chevrolet Monte Carlo that year from a dealership near Detroit for $22,000. The car was used, but it was a "G.M. certified" car, meaning it had supposedly passed a rigorous inspection by the dealer.
12/01/2008: Lemon Law Attorneys [They Should Do what’s Best for the Client, Not what’s Easiest]
Every endeavor has an ideal scene, an ideal outcome. That can’t always be achieved; if it could I would be living in a villa on the Costa del Sol sipping something tall and cool with a lime wedge on the rim. But every excellent law firm should have as its primary goal getting as close to that ideal scene for their clients as possible and never agreeing to less. That goal should be resolving its client’s lemon law cases with the best possible outcome. We have that goal.
11/29/2008: The Lemon Law and Presumption
To presume is to make an assumption that something will be found true when further examined. It is what one supposes to be true based on the evidence available. With regard to presumption[*] in legal matters, if the bird looks, walks and quacks like a duck, legally the court says it meets the presumption that it is indeed a duck.
11/24/2008: Lemon Law: Transmission-Top 10 Defects
This is an extension on a recent article written and published by Norman Taylor about survey data we extracted from our lemon law case files.
11/20/2008: Lemon Law & Manufacturing Statistics: Where Quality and Litigation Converge
To really get into the connections between the number of Lemon Law cases and the number of vehicles sold by each manufacturer in a given year might make an interesting book.
11/12/2008: Stop Putting Out Fires (Shoot the Idiots Who Start Them)
All right, all right! This is a little harsh, I know. We don't get to shoot the idiots. We are civilized. No, this isn't a diatribe against arsonists, although anyone who's seen a lovely stand of trees burned where one of those criminal types has been at work might agree with the solution.
11/06/2008: Use-Value-Safety Three Essentials of The Lemon Law
In the Lemon Law, the concept of substantial impairment of the use, value or safety of a new motor vehicle to the buyer or lessee is one of the basic tests that determine the validity of a case. Obviously the consumer’s viewpoint of what is substantial and what the manufacturer considers substantial is very different. It is our business to ensure that when the consumer’s car engine dies on the freeway during rush hour
11/03/2008: A Lemon Law Case is Dependant on the Existence of Repair Orders
The unhappy purchaser must have proof of a repair order to justify a lemon law case.
10/31/2008: Norman Taylor & The Lemon Law vs. Goliath(s)
For 22 years, Norman Taylor has fought over 6,000 lemon law battles.
10/29/2008: Lemon Law Cases: What Happened to Mercedes?
Norman Taylor & Associates have taken many Lemon Law cases on behalf of clients with Mercedes vehicles.
10/28/2008: Lemon Law News: The Untrained Mechanic
We have no way of knowing that the technician working on our car was never trained on the vehicle's electronic system. The flat-rate mechanics pay system encourages the technician to work as fast as possible, not as well as possible.
10/25/2008: Secret Warranties and The Lemon Law
As a car owner, be very alert when someone at the dealership starts telling you it's your fault. Don't go into apathy and give in. Fight it. Do research. Find out if a Secret Warranty exists and make them use it.
10/22/2008: Lemon Law Firm Wins Legal Dispute Against Korean Car Maker
This was one of those Lemon Law cases where you wonder why the defendant let this case go to trial in the first place.
10/20/2008: The Lemon Law Rights and Duties
Who has what rights and what duties in Lemon Law matters?
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